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Has anyone had a quilt made with your wedding dress? I got married last April in Negril JA. I do not have a daughter and even if I do I doubt she will want to wear it. I wouldn't have wanted to wear my mom's. So I thought making a quilt with it would be a great way to save it and if I never have more kids my son can have when he is older. Does anyone have any advice or names of someone who could do this for me? I googled some places but I am kinda leary of mailing my wedding dress to a stranger. TIA
Google "quilting" and your city - see if there are any quilting supply stores and if you find one, put an ad up there. Even if there aren't any quilting supply stores, see if any local fabric would let you put up an ad. lot of old Granny's don't use the internet!
I wouldn't want to mail it either - if you're going to pay someone to do it you need to make sure you see some of their work first. Quilting is like any craft - there are some who can do it competently (like me) and some who are experts and true artists (like my Grandma). With something this special, as long as you're willing to spend the money, you should get a true artist. quilting is usually a category at any county or state fair as well - so plan on hitting those this summer and you can get the names and numbers of the people selling quilts there and ask if they're interested in doing your project - plus you get the added benefit of seeing their work before you even call them.